Friday, October 22, 2010

Don't become desensitized!

I have been meaning to update all week, but life has been busy. I have had many thoughts because I am so blessed and feel so hopeful about everything right now. One of the subjects that I have been thinking a lot about is not becoming desensitized in the world, specifically to media.

There is a TV show that I started watching last year. At first it didn't start off bad, but now it is full blown out of control!!! I can't believe I let myself watch it for as long as I did. This paralleled an event that happened to me this week.

I have eaten trail mix many times before, but for some reason I had an allergic reaction to it this week. I actually had to go to Instacare and get a shot of epinephrine because I couldn't breath, was itching like crazy, and apparently had hives. I didn't think it was that serious, but I guess it was. Now I have to always have an Epi-Pen with me just in case.

I thought that this experience was exactly like being desensitized to a TV show. Sure you may watch it or eat it a few times and you are okay. Hopefully one day you wake up and realize how bad it is and can save yourself before spiritual damage has taken place. I know this is how Satan works his magic. He starts off by tempting us with something fairly tame, maybe even great, but then we get hooked and usually it becomes anything but righteous. I am just glad I recognized it in time!


  1. I have had that experience with TV shows before. I hate it when they go bad. I am so glad to hear that you are alright with you allergic reaction. Doug used to be able to eat peanuts and then he suddenly couldn't one day. It's weird the things that our bodies do sometimes.

  2. Since I am not at your lesson, which is starting right this very moment, I thought I would come to your blog. :)

    I love reading what you write about. I love the little spiritual glimpses and uplifts that I get from reading it.

    I love that you are my friend, (And that you are ok from the allergic reaction!!) and that I have had the privelege of getting to know you in such a short time. I think you are an amazing person with so many gifts and talents...and you are so kind hearted...I LOVE being around you! You are so complimentary and just allaroundgood :)
