Thursday, June 23, 2011


This week I have been out in the sun for many hours mostly running and gardening. Most of the time I remember to put on sunblock, but one day I didn't and burned. Sunblock and following the Spirit are synonymous to me. We can choose to put on sunblock, we can also decide what SPF to wear. Likewise the amount of hours we spend in harmful exposure matters. I know that the Spirit is there to prompt us, protect us, comfort us, & guide us. We need to be diligent in application, especially when it comes to heeding promptings.

I have been reading President Monson's Biography and was impressed from a lesson our prophet had learned. When President Monson was a Bishop he had to attend a Stake Leadership Meeting. Earlier in the evening a friend had asked him to visit his uncle in the hospital, who was a less active member of Bishop Monson's Ward. The meeting dragged on and on, as most meetings do, and he finally ran out during the closing hymn feeling an urgency.

President Monson arrived at the hospital only to be greeted by a nurse who asked him, "Are you Bishop Monson?" "Yes..."The patient was asking for you just before he died." BAM, what a shock! I would definitely feel horrible. The lesson President Monson learned from that experience was "Never postpone a prompting." I too likewise have learned from this lesson and just like sunblock need to reapply often and not let my guard down. In the long run I know I will be happy using sunblock aka following the promptings of the spirit that that I can avoid skin cancer aka harmful sin.

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