Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Goodbye Palymra

The last day we were in Palymra we just planned to see the Book of Mormon Publication site and do some shopping. The Grandin Printing Press Building was a lot bigger then I thought it would be and I also ran into a girl from my old singles ward who is now serving as a missionary there. What impressed me the most was the length of time it took to actually print 500 copies of the Book of Mormon. Normally print jobs took quite an amount of time, but the Book of Mormon only took a few months because this shop had the most updated equipment.

The original front of the E.B. Grandin Print Shop.

The New York historic marker sign

The letter's room (probably not the "real" name) were the print was set up

The ink and cutting room

This is a replica of the kitchen/dining room in the Harmony, Pennsylvania home were Joseph started translating the Book of Mormon. I was pleased that this replica was here since there is not a site to see in Harmony (at least that I know of).

Sign for the Martin Harris Farm, farm property still there, but his house is no longer there (it burned down). Joseph worked for Martin on his farm for $.50 a day.

Lake-Stone House sign, not a church history home, but I thought it was interesting because it was one of the first lake-stone houses in the area.

The actual Lake-Stone house

When we left Palmyra our next destination was Niagara Falls. We decided to take the scenic route there along the coast of Lake Ontario were we saw huge swans among other beautiful things. We also tried some great ice cream at a roadside stand.

Maid of the Mist boat ride, a must for anyone going to Niagara Falls!

The American side of Niagara Falls (can't remember if they have a specific name).

Horseshoe Falls (the Canadian falls), which is a tad more impressive then the American side. After seeing the falls it is hard to see how anyone can deny the existence of God with such an amazing creation.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting pics of all those places you saw. The spirit bears witness to me of the truth of it all just when I look at your posts, I can only imagine how it would be to be there. I want to go see it all someday.
