Monday, March 4, 2013


I started to write this post the other day and forgot about it until now.  I heard someone talking about marriage vows last week and that got me thinking.  As members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints we do not "vow."  We make covenants with our Father in Heaven in the temple before we are married.  When we are getting married the marriage covenant that you and your spouse make is also with Heavenly Father and not with each other.  However if we break our "temple covenants" we essentially are breaking them with Heavenly Father which in turn breaks them with our spouse.  I think that is amazing and so important.  As superficial as it sounds I would think more about the covenants and promises I make with Heavenly Father
before breaking them.
I was privileged to participate in sealing (marriage) work for the dead the other day in the temple.  The words were very poignant to me and I asked the sealer questions about certain things (at his encouragement that we ask).  Regardless of me not being married right now I am happy to have made covenants with my Father in Heaven that I think about daily and eventually will also make with a future husband.

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