Monday, August 20, 2012

I'm covered

I meant to post this last week, but I just couldn't pull all my thoughts together, so I figured it wasn't meant to be.  Tonight it came together though.  Last week it had been a year since my Mom passed away.  As much as I miss her I was reminded of a great knowledge while reading the Book of Mormon.

My whole life I have been afraid of death.  It wasn't until I was reading last week that I realized that I wasn't afraid anymore.  Instead I had an awful fear of standing before the Lord with a guilty conscience!  I started to fear spiritual death, not that I had done anything horrible, but I felt like spiritually death would be so much more horrendous then temporal death.  I want to have clean hands and a pure heart, be so excited and happy to be in his presence, and not ashamed.  Then I rejoiced!  The Atonement covers me!  Literally in Hebrew Atonement means to be covered.

So if I temporarily fear spiritual death, or my own sins, I can start over every week!  What amazing news!  Physical death happens once, there is no turning back, but spiritual death (or sin in smaller steps) can be wiped clean every week if I just choose to repent.  I want to be with my family and the Savior so badly that I am going to strive with all my might to be reborn every week and remember what is really important and NOT FEAR:)

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