Monday, October 19, 2009


Last week my roommate got us 2 free ticket's to "Verdi's Macbeth" at the Capitol Theatre. I've never seen Macbeth, but have always wanted to even though I am not a huge fan of tragedy's. The fact that it was an opera made a tragedy so much better!!! It was a great Halloween Shakespeare play to see, but I was more drawn to the parallels that I found. The whole thing is about dark and light, good and bad, or to put it bluntly, death and life. Macbeth stops at nothing to gain the crown, which in his case means killing several people. It got me thinking what are the things in our own lives that we are willing to do to gain something. Most of you reading this are not murderers, but do you yell at someone on the road to get ahead or ignore your family to watch a bad TV show??? I know I am guilty of some, but what can I overcome for Halloween? What "bad" things can I give up so that my life doesn't end in tragedy? Suggestion's?


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Think of the 6 B's. Be Grateful, Be Smart, Be Clean, Be True, Be Humble, and Be prayerful. If your not sure what habit is bad or needs to be changed ask yourself if it falls under one of these, if not, give it up! Such as yelling at someone on the road to get ahead probably isn't clean (with all the swearing) and isn't smart (because you could cause an accident or get in one) , or humble (becuase you want to be ahead of someone else.)

    Love you, Emily Nunley
