Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Family, isn't it about time?

For the Thanksgiving Holiday I was able to go visit my family in Missouri. I was grateful to talk about Mormonism most of the plane ride with a 21 year old guy from San Diego going to visit his Mom for the holiday. When we talked about our families I realized how important and lucky I am to have the type of family I have. This was brought on by his apparent lack of family. I was going to see 30 some-odd (yes, that means literally too:) family members and he was only going to see one.

I knew the visit might be rough because of my Mom having cancer. I was grateful at how well my Mom did. I don't think she was sick at all, but she was tired most of the time and took a lot of naps. Then came the hard part. My Mom's hair started really falling out and she wasn't ready for it. To make the long story short, my brother shaved his head to help her transition. She was then able to shave her head, all the while joking with us. I can't remember if myself and my sister-in-law suggested he do this or if he came up with the idea. The point is family is what made my Mom able to cope! I realized how much more I love her and how depressing life would be without my family members.

Pictured in the slide show are my Mom, Brother, and Aunt. My awesome sister-in-law did the shaving. They aren't in order, but remember my brother went first to help. We had fun making Mohawks too. Mom you are amazing, I love your guts!!! And little bro your not so bad yourself!


  1. Thanks for sharing. I'm grateful for big my big family too. Families are such a blessing!

  2. Your mom still is joking about her hair now, I know it helped having you there with her. She mentioned how she missed you after you left...we all miss you!!! See you soon!!!!
