Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Yellow Star

I just finished reading a book called "Yellow Star" about a little girl named Syvia who was one of only 12 children to survive in a ghetto in Poland during World War 2. It was a really good book and the part that impressed me the most was when the Russian Soldiers came to the ghetto with orders to bomb everything. A certain soldier said he was in the middle of bombing everything when the spotlight on his plane enabled him to see the Star of David sewn onto many coats. He, being a Jewish solider, knew not to bomb the area with the yellow stars. After the bombing stopped the soldier along with all the other Yiddish Russian Soldiers went to the ghetto to save the people whom they had seen with the yellow stars on their coats.

The reason I share this part of the book, which by the way is a true story, is because it made me think of the Star Bellied Sneeches from a familiar Dr. Seuss story. I don't mean to compare the Jewish people to the Star Bellied Sneeches in a dis-respectful way, but my point is there are very special people out there, whether or not a star is displayed. Sometimes you have to really look for the star (like the Russian Solider did) to spot something special.

When I say special I am talking about people out there who look like everyday people, but in reality they are smiling, seeking to serve others, and take no thought about themselves. I met several of these people in the last week or so. One in particular was a temple worker who had more of an interest in me then usual temple workers. Another was a friend who sent me an email asking how I was doing. It is rare to find special people out there today in a cynical world, but I am here to say these people exist even though you may have to look for them with a spotlight.

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