Friday, December 3, 2010

Don't start fires, just build boats!

I heard a lesson from a peer the other day and have been thinking about it all week long. In 1st Nephi 17:12 it says, "For the Lord had not hitherto suffered that we should make much fire, as we journeyed in the wilderness; for he said: I will make thy food become sweet, that ye cook it not."

Nephi's family had been commanded not to make fire, which was probably part of their everyday existence before they left Jerusalem; they followed that commandment even though they did not know the reasoning and the Lord blessed them or their food.

Not building fire is such a simple thing. Simple things that we are asked to do in our everyday lives are praying, callings, reading our scriptures, and attending meetings. YET, it is those simple things that prepare us for the big things or trials that come along.

In Nephi's case the big thing that came along was the command to build a ship, something he had never done before or had any knowledge of. Some big things in our life may be a mission, marriage, or something that is just individually hard. Nephi had the COURAGE and FAITH to do the big task at hand because he had been doing the small things. So small and simple means lead to great things!

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