Today I went to see the movie "Invictus" with my siblings. I am not one to write about movies in a religious manner, but I wanted to talk about the principle of Forgiveness that is highlighted in the movie. One of my favorite lines in the movie refers to Nelson Mandela and is said by the other main character Francois. "I was thinking how a man could spend thirty years in prison, and come out and forgive the men who did it to him..." That line really touched me because it is so true. I find it amazing that he could forgive after 30 years in jail.
Invictus is a poem from the author William Ernest Henley. The last line of the poem says, "It matters not how strait the gate, How charged with punishments the scroll. I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul." We are in charge of who we decide to forgive.
Think about people who harbor grudges against another person for long periods of time. Who does that benefit? When we are unable to forgive it is only hurting ourselves. Jesus Christ is the ultimate forgiver. Imagine being treated like he did and forgiving His trespassers. Imagine forgiving all of mankind everyday!!! I am so grateful for the principle of forgiveness and repentance in my life and pray that I may be better at forgiving others.